Bernie or Bust 2.0 pledge remains a declaration of war on Democratic Party establishment

DNCThe DNC and the Democratic Party establishment still have the rules of the primary season rigged against Bernie Sanders. For example, if a candidate does not have a majority (rather than a plurality) of pledged delegates for the first round vote at the Democratic National Convention in 2020, then the voting will go to a second round to include the establishment-oriented superdelegates that not even the Republicans use. The Party establishment are in a civil war against insurgent, progressive populist, Senator Sanders. In response, Revolt Against Plutocracy declared war on the DNC and party establishment. A plutocracy is defined as a country or society controlled by the wealthy few for the wealthy few.

The political revolution “launched wittingly or unwittingly by comparatively tame “house socialist” Bernie Sanders, could be the death knell for the Democratic Party as we know it. And that’s a very good thing.” The Party, since President Carter, has become a tool of Wall Street, and Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, Beto O’Rouke, Kamela Harris, et al are integrated in with the neo-liberal establishment. The Bernie or Bust 2.0 pledge is a grassroots attempt to compel the Democrats to support the Senator in the primary season or lose in the general election. We call this strategy electoral leverage. For more, attain our book our “how-to guide for revolutionaries” and then please #ShareThisBook ===>

Is this fight a civil war? It is a revolution against the neo-liberal establishment which is shoving global corporate order, so-called “free-trade agreements” down our throats.  For Revolt Against Plutocracy,* this election cycle is about a green revolution rather than a political revolution. The process of global warming — with positive feedback loops in place — is under way, and it is late in the fight for sustainable energy needed to avoid a future of abandoned “old” cities under water and “Neo Seouls” around the ever-warming planet. Civilization is at a pivotal point of turning away from climate disaster or not. We need to pivot from “what’s good for the wealthy elite is good” to inclusive and sustainable policies.  This green revolution, riding on the coattails of Senator Sanders’ political revolution, is a fight for the survival of the human race. This is a peaceful, civil war of ideas and ideals we now call #BernieOrBust2020 or Bernie or Bust 2.0. No other candidate for the White House, running in the Democratic Party, has the anti-establishment credibility to advance the Green New Deal or equivalent climate preservation strategy other than Representative Tulsi Gabbard. Bernie or Bust 2.0 has a Plan B.

Bernie’s revolutionary campaign and our grassroots, innovative strategy worked independently and unsuccessfully to help Senator Sanders secure the Democratic Party nomination in 2016. Writing in Op-Ed News, Benjamin Kall noted, “In a tight race, which this one will surely be, it is very likely that Bernie could win the electorate primary pledges but he could lose the nomination by way of his peers. There are 4047 total pledges to be made in the party, 794 by the super delegates.” The Bernie or Bust movement will provide Bernie or Tulsi Gabbard with leverage they will need at the Convention in 2020. If Trump gets re-elected, the Democratic Party primary voters will be to blame, not Americans voting their conscience instead of their fears in the general election. Biden’s neoliberalism (TPP, fracking, etc) and careless hawkishness renders him as dangerous, if not more-so, as Donald Trump. #FearBidenTrump

Plan B of the Bernie or Bust 2.0 strategy is simple. If something happens forcing Senator Sanders to either drop out of the race or the Party rigs the primaries again and he doesn’t get the nomination on the first round of voting, then we demand Rep. Tulsi Gabbard be on the ticket as the nominee. #TulsiOrTrash the Democratic Party. Bernie or Bust 2.0 demands either Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard as the Party nominee.

Please join the tens of thousands of citizens to date by employing BOTH of these two, simple steps. (If you do not know your congressional district number, use your zip code to find it here.)

1) Take the voter pledge (click HEREor on the PLEDGE NOW button) and then help out on social media by using #BernieOrBust2020 and vitally important, or else this will NOT become influential enough unless you also, please

2) Build the buzz: Commit yourself to quickly finding at least just two more people to take the Bernie or Bust 2.0 pledge. Please prioritize and use your email to ask people you know, friends, neighbors, relatives (but no one from work), etc. to take the Bernie or Bust pledge before OR while asking friends, followers and allies in social media and follow up until you know two people have taken the pledge. If every pledge-signer recruits just two more citizens who recruit two more every day, we’ll have over 1,000,000 pledge-takers in less than a month. The chart below shows how quickly a leverage strategy can become a movement even the corporate media will have a hard time ignoring. (They will not cover this as a story in order to keep voters from finding out about this voter pledge strategy. This works by getting Sanders nominated through this recruitment process. People will say no, they won’t take the pledge; but then need to hear more and more people asking them, “Will you help Sanders by taking the BernieOrBust 2.0 pledge?” That communication is how this strategy circumvents corporate media. We are demanding people give progressives a chance to run the government once again. The market/corporate neo-liberals, the conservatives and the libertarians do not have a governing philosophy compatible with climate preservation. The nation, the world needs an all out mobilization for survival to slow, stop and reverse the mass extinction under way, and only progressive politicians have the governing philosophy to use government to solve problems.

Some people are unwilling to scare voters into uniting behind a popular Senator and candidate for the White House. So what? Just keep asking people on social media until your second pledge confirmation is conveyed back to you. That’s all you need to do to make this grassroots pressure effective: take the pledge and recruit two more citizens. (We will send pledge-takers a reminder email with suggestions for Facebook or Twitter messaging to make it easy as possible.)

Power of two
Power of two

It may seem as if there is plenty of time for pledge-takers to find just two people to take the Bernie or Bust 2.0 pledge, but our experience tells us the chart on the right does not convey how this works in practice.  Even with the contacts available with social media, this took much longer in practice during Bernie or Bust 1.0. In fact, Bernie or Bust didn’t need a million pledges; it just needed to become a buzz.

Please take a few minutes this week to get this off your “things to do” list today, tomorrow, as soon as possible. That’s all you need to do to make this grassroots pressure effective: pledge and recruit two citizens.  The closer to a million pledged voters you build this into a movement, the more certain Democrats will fear us and unite behind Bernie. This amount of leverage requires use of this simple “power of two” depicted here:==>>

Be the media: If you understand the importance of using grassroots, revolutionary tactics to help shape major-party, primary campaign outcomes, please do more. Click the SHARE buttons below. Do as much as you want to do to help Senator Sanders become the next President of the United States. In other words, from time to time when you have time, be the media. Share this URL around the Internet:

Thank you!

#AllLegalMeans are “weapons” RAP plan to deploy in the civil war against the American plutocracy,  their transnational corporations and their puppets in the Democratic Party. The lesser-of-two revolting plutocrats is a con job! In 2016 the superdelegates chose Trump when they nominated Hillary Clinton. The revolution Bernie sparked must succeed this time, or we are doomed as a civilization and perhaps even as a species.  #AnyoneButCorporate candidates. #BoycottBidenTrump #WePledgeSo #SheepNoMore #WeAreNotAfraid

  • Plutocracy is defined as a government or society controlled by and for the most wealthy citizens.